Blog 7
KQ2: how do geographers describe where things are:
They can use absolute location and and mental maps also using exact coordinates
Describe the following: Time zones, UTC, daylight savings time, and standard deviation:
Time Zones: an area on earth that changes time by an hour for every 15 degrees of movement, Ex east coast 3 hours later than the west coast.
UTC: The primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and the time.
Day light savings: When the clocks set forward one hour from the normal time. In the winter, the clocks shift back an hour
Standard Deviation: a quantity calculated to demonstate the time in correlation to the rest of the world
They can use absolute location and and mental maps also using exact coordinates
Describe the following: Time zones, UTC, daylight savings time, and standard deviation:
Time Zones: an area on earth that changes time by an hour for every 15 degrees of movement, Ex east coast 3 hours later than the west coast.
UTC: The primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and the time.
Day light savings: When the clocks set forward one hour from the normal time. In the winter, the clocks shift back an hour
Standard Deviation: a quantity calculated to demonstate the time in correlation to the rest of the world
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