The Parthenon was located in Italy, Rome
It is a christian church
It has one if the largest domes in the world
It is unknown who was worshiped at the church
Dear Kyle in the Future Everyday when you wake up, count your blessings. One day you might wake up and get them all taken away from you. Which is exactly what happened in the global pandemic of Covid-19. At first it was just a rumor that we would all be going to cyberschool and missing a couple weeks. It sounded like a dream. It quickly turned into a nightmare. You didn't get to see your friends for 3 months and counting. You missed out on your whole freshman baseball season. You missed out on your hershey park trip. You missed making tons of memories just because of ignorant people who refuse to stay inside. You had to watch your friends get to hang out with each other but were stuck in your house. While you were able to get closer with your family, you got sick of them very quickly. Right now you dont know how much longer this is going to last. Anyway, be greatful, and always appreaciate your family. Also, you lost a friend during quarantine. He didn't pass away, he just d...
Mesopotamia was located on a fertile crescent, which provided it with many farming opportunities due to the rich soil. Mesopotamia also had a very strong military led by Hammurabi, and it means the land between two rivers. Mesopotamia is classified as a city-state because it owned lots additional land other than just it's own. At the time, Mesopotamia had different dynasties of kings such as the babylonians empire. Due to all the trade Mesopotamia dealt with, along came lot's of different cultural diffusion and developing new ideas to adapt too. The general population of Mesopotamia were polytheists, which means that they believed in two or more gods. Along with the Babylonian Dynasty was there empire which lasted about 300 years, becoming one of the most powerful empires. Mesopotamians also followed a book of laws made by their military general named Hammurabi called Hammurabi's code. The Challenges they faced were: They didn't h...
1.) According to the article, what are the two fundamental aspects of Japan's aging crisis? There are two fundamental aspects behind Japan’s aging population. One aspect is the increase in the proportion of the elderly in the total population. The other is the slower growth of the population, arising directly from the declining fertility rate. The former affects Japan’s economic performance by increasing the social security burden and benefits. The latter has a direct impact on economic growth by reducing the labor force, which is a major factor in production. 2.) By 2030, what percentage of the Japanese population will be elderly dependents (aged 65+)? By 2030, one in every three people will be 65 or older, and one in five people 75-plus years old 3.) What is the direct economic impact of Japan's aging population? A rapidly aging population and shrinking labour force are hampering growth,” warned the International Monetary Foundation in its latest country rep...
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