Blog 48
Rule of kings is replaced by rule of two consuls (“gotta be better than one”)
- consuls are elected officials
- term of office: one year
- always aristocrats (patricians)
- patricians traced their descent from a famous ancestor, or pater (“father”)
- duties: dealing justice, making law, commanding the army
- one consul could veto the other (reducing the power of the individual)
- fifth century BCE - patrician dominance of the government was challenged by the plebs (“people”)
- plebs were 98% of the population
- how did the patricians dominate?
- plebs had to serve in the army,
but could not hold office- plebs were threatened with debt slavery
- plebs had no legal rights
res publica -the people’s affairs
brand new republic, ready to run
- democracy (the people’s assembly and the tribunes)
- aristocracy (the Senate - approx. 300 members)
- plus monarchy (the consuls)
- not a tyranny (eww… too scary… a mistake the Romans did not care to repeat)
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